Reimbursement for eligible expenses for medical supplies

Ontario Health atHome is aware some patients have experienced issues with the distribution of medical supplies.

Ontario Health atHome takes any impact to patients very seriously and we recognize this is a distressing time for our patients. Patients, their families and caregivers should not have to incur the cost of purchasing much-needed medical supplies on their own due to delivery issues. That is why we will be reimbursing any patient, caregiver or family member who has paid out of pocket for medical supplies due to delivery issues since September 24, 2024.

Medical Supply Reimbursement Form for Eligible Expenses (opens in a new tab)

Please submit a completed reimbursement form along with receipts, by mail or email.



Mail: Ontario Health atHome
11 Allstate Parkway, Suite 500
Markham, ON L3R 9T8
Attention: MES Reimbursement

We encourage patients, family members and caregivers to reach out to their Ontario Health atHome care coordinators for support. We have also established a toll-free Medical Supplies Escalation Line at 1-866-377-7567, and we encourage patients and health care providers to call about issues that require escalation.

Disclaimer: By choosing to send personal health information related to Medical Supplies reimbursements via electronic communication (e.g., Email), I understand and acknowledge that the confidentiality of my personal information/personal health information may be at risk. Ontario Health atHome cannot guarantee the security or confidentiality of information transmitted outside of the Ontario Health atHome network.