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Expected Death in the Home Protocol (E.D.I.T.H.) Guidelines

The E.D.I.T.H Protocol supports the development of an End of Life Plan to identify the process for pronouncement/certification of death in the home to allow for the timely removal of the deceased to the funeral home. When the physician or Nurse Practitioner (NP) supports the nurse in pronouncing the death, the physician/NP agrees to provide the funeral home with a completed Death Certificate (this may involve a visit to the funeral home) within 24 hours of death. This reduces stress for the family when death occurs and supports physicians and NPs in caring for end-of-life patients in the community setting.
Implementing the E.D.I.T.H. protocol will reduce the unnecessary use of Emergency Services such as police, Emergency Medical Services, firefighter and Coroner.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Guide, Information Sheet
Tags: Toronto Central
Downloads: 196

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